Anyways back to the point of this particular blog, financial aid. Every time I have gone to receive aid I always have issues. With KVCC I didn't receive any because I was not seeking to gain a degree from their school. For summer courses at NMU my aid came to late forcing me to pay out of my own pocket (I am getting refunded for what I paid), and for fall my aid was "cancelled" but and I am currently waiting to see what's happening there. I contacted the office to see what was going on and the lady told me that they just needed to verify my paper work. Basically I hear issues with financial aid offices all the time. My friend is currently taking a break because he had major issues as well. He went to Western Michigan University and will not be returning, when he starts again he will be going to a new school. I guess this is more a of a 'ack! rant than blog but either way it keeps me stress free haha.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Financial Aid & College
As stated on other post I am currently enrolled at Northern Michigan University. Yes, I'm a freshmen but not for long. Unlike most people changing "grades" on a yearly basis, I change in the winter. This is because I went to Kalamazoo Valley Community College for a semester and took summer courses at NMU. I'm currently taking Mythology so I can get another liberal studies requirement out of the way, I did the same thing with Music in Society. Just another refresher, or for those of you who haven't read anything else on my blog, I'm a Zoology major minoring in International Studies.
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