Friday, March 27, 2009

Long Over Due

Hey everyone I haven't said anything in quite sometime. So this might be one LONG update. We'll start from where I left off. 
My schooling at KVCC went pretty good I got two A-'s and a D. I got the D in Russian History mostly because I stopped caring, yeah yeah I know that's a bad thing to do. Everything I was "learning" in Ethics and Ecology was just a repeat of what I had previously known it was to say the least the most boring semester of my life. I took this semester of because I don't have the money to continue to pay for myself. I'll be at Northern Michigan University on May 16th, my birthday, to start my summer semester. 
So I ended up moving in with LaShay for quite a few months and things were going good at first but she ended up just not caring anymore. She was happy where she was in life and well to me that's not the life of an adult. Not saying that it's not okay for now it's just I'm the kind of person that needs to constantly better himself and she's the kind of person that almost seems to go the opposite way. She's a very nice person, she's just not my person. We broke up about a month ago and I moved out. 
Since then I've been pretty bored trying to save money up for my trip to see my family in Sweden next year and trying to save money for my backpacking trip to Isle Royale this summer after my summer semester. I've gotten my backpack, tent, and most of my gear but I'm still lacking a few small things but that'll be okay. The big part will be paying for ferry across the lake onto Isle Royale but I currently have the funds for that. I also have to save up or at least figure out how to pay for the possibility to study abroad. It's a shame traveling is so expensive it's even worse that it's almost entirely plane tickets. Once in a place it never seems too bad if you're a smart shopper. If things went as good as possibly I'd want to go around the world when I graduate but that looks a little out of my reach as of right now seeing as ill be selling my car for the air fair to Australia if I do end up studying abroad. BUT we will see.

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